

1.        Anna's Japanese 101 blog
2.        BU's BU-LOG
3.        camille learns 日本語
4.        Cat
5.        Happy Morning
6.        Japanese Studies
7.        Lillian Chen's JPN 101 Blog
8.        Lilly's Japanese Life
10.      My JPN101 Blog
11.      Publicly a Pupil
12.      Senpai's Diary
13.      Sihang's Blog
14.      Snorlax Life  
15.      Tessa's Japanese Blog
18.      あのう
19.      にほんごのブログ
20.      ばにら
22.      もののあはれ
25.      木漏れ日
26.     穏やかな日々
28.      象の部屋
33.      日本語のブロゴ
34.      Yizhi Loves Japanese
40.      Yunsong Pang
41.      Jenna's Japanese Blog
46.      Fan's Fun
47.      Yumengの気持ち
48.      ケリー!
53.      Gozun's Japanese Blog
54.      Kurtz

じゅうがつよっか(10/4) の アクティビティ(activity)

Welcome to つながれ日本語(にほんご) (Let's get connected with other people by learning Japanese!).
Today, we are going to learn how to type Japanese on a computer and make a blog post. Please do Activities 1-3 below.
 (If you do not finish all of the activities in class, the remaining activities must be completed for homework due the next day.

1. Read about the blog activity (5 min.)
2. Type up your first composition or さくぶん1,  and post it on your blog. (30 min.)
  • If you do not want to use your real name, you may use a pseudonym. If you have questions or technical problems, we encourage you to help each other. Instructions for how to change the language setting to Japanese on Apple computers can be found on today's handout, "How to type Japanese words in Hiragana and Katakana."
  • After writing your self-introduction, form a group of 2-3 students and peer edit your self-introduction. (e.g., Is the hiragana typed correctly? Is it grammatical?) 
  • To make the font size bigger, press the “Apple/command” key and the “+” key together (For PC users, press the “Control” key instead of the “Apple/command” key).
  • After everyone in your group has read and corrected each other’s self-introductions, click on “Publish,” which will allow your post to be published on your blog.
3. Make a New Post in English (10 min.)
  • Write in English about why you chose to study Japanese, 
  • what you are excited about, and/or what you have found challenging after the first four weeks of Japanese class.

ブログかつどう(Blog Activities)

Blog Activities:

Welcome to our blog community! For this class we would like you to keep a blog because it provides a place to communicate with your classmates and other people outside of class.

People use language for various purposes, but one of the main reasons we use language is to communicate with other people. While you can engage in many different forms of communicative language activities in class, class time is limited, so it is impossible to engage in all types. Using a blog as a communication tool will engage you in another form of authentic, real-world communication. Though a blog can seem daunting, this is something that you shouldn’t wait until mastering  a language to do, but rather is something that should be started right away from the very beginning of your learning a language. This will also help you track your own improvement in Japanese as you see your own expressions and explanations become more complex.

* We will share links of your classmates' blogs as well as blogs of students in other sections, other levels, and other schools, so you can exchange comments with those people as well.

* We know that your current command of Japanese language may still limit your ability to convey your thoughts fully, but we also encourage you to convey your intended meaning by utilizing other resources such as pictures and videos. Remember that people utilize not only language but also other means of communication such as tone of voice, music, body language, pictures, colors, font styles and font size for communication.

For the course requirement, you will be graded on the four entries scheduled on your class schedules. However, we would like to encourage you to post as many additional entries as you like in order to improve your communication skills. This blog will be a place for you to express yourself in Japanese, get feedback on your language skills, and interact with students from across different levels and different schools. We hope you enjoy it!



  1. 5th Generation Learning Japanese
  2.  Anna's Japanese 101 blog
  3.  BU's BU-LOG
  4. ばにら
  5. Cat
  6. Happy Morning
  7. JAP 101 Blog
  8. JPN 101/102 - LEARNING 日本語 (JW OLD BLOG)
  9. もののあはれ (JW NEW BLOG)
  10. Japanese 101 Blog
  11. Japanese 101!
  12. Publicly a Pupil
  13. 日本語を習い始めました!
  14. Japanese Studies
  15. Lillian Chen's JPN 101 Blog
  16. Lilly's Japanese Life
  17. My JPN101 Blog
  18. To have another language is to possess a second soul.
  20. Owen Says Things
  21. Senpai's Diary
  22. Sihang's Blog
  23. Snorlax Life
  24. Summer Lily's Japanese Blog
  25. Tessa's Japanese Blog
  26. The Trials and Tribulations of Learning Elementary Japanese (And Other Princeton Things)
  27. Tim's JPN101 Blog
  28. camille learns 日本語
  29. chipped cups
  30. あのう
  31. にほんごのブログ
  32. サマンサの日本語ブログ!
  33. ブログ !挑戦日本語!
  34. 日本語の進歩(しんぽ)!
  35. 木漏れ日
  36. 穏やかな日々
  37. なかま ブログ
  38. Rhyan's Japanese Blog
  39. START!! サラの日本語のブログ
  40. 象の部屋
  41. My Adventure in Japanese
  42. My first blog, and my second language
  43. Billy Adler's Learning Japanese Blog
  44. Kangxin Wu's Piece of Japan
  45. My Novel Japanese Exploits
  46. 日本語のブロゴ
  47. Yizhi Loves Japanese
  48. And Here the Journey Begins!
  49. First Year Japanese Blog
  50. 沛青の日本語冒険
  51. GoGo Japanese! Jake's Adventures in First Year Japanese
  52. Kathleen's Japanese Diary ♡
  53. Yunsong Pang
  54. Japanese Blog
  55. Jenna's Japanese Blog
  56. Fresh Prince of Japanese
  57. Tristan Hourigan's EALJ-10111 Blog
  58. Chris's Japanese Blog
  59. Shenghong Zhao's 1st Yr Japanese Blog
  60. めんま、见つけた!
  61. Fan's Fun
  62. Yumengの気持ち
  63. First Year Japanese
  64. Danielle Welch's Japanese Blog
  65. ケリー!
  66. David Ahlf's Japanese Blog
  67. Logan Yokum's Adventures with Japanese
  68. Qing Yuan: the process of learning Japanese
  69. Mike's Nihongo Blog 2016
  70. ネイロスコナーのブログ
  71. Gozun's Japanese Blog
  72. Kurtz
  73. Alex La Forest's First Year Japanese Blog
  74. Jay Kim's Blog