


Please do the following activities before and after you take the oral exam.

1. Complete the course evaluation.
   Click HERE to go to CourseWorks.

2. Reply to all comments you have received (if not done yet).



Write  comments on the blog entries posted by the students from Princeton and Notre Dame.

たつみせんせいのクラス セクション1(10:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton . Choose any of the two blogs from #1 to #11.

パクせんせいのクラス セクション2(11:40 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton . Choose any of the two blogs marked from #12 to #23.

まついせんせいのクラス(1:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton and Notre Dame. Choose any of the two blogs marked from #24 to #34.

おかもとせんせいのクラス(2:40 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from  Notre Dame.  Choose any of the two blogs from #35 to #45.

ソーリアルせんせいのクラス セクション5(4:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Notre Dame. Choose any of the two blogs from #46 to #56.




Please do the following activities (A,B,C) before and after you take the oral exam.
(If you do not finish all of the activities in class, the remaining activities must be completed for homework due on Tuesday, March 7.)

A. クラスメートの新しいポスト:「わたしの好きなもの」を読んで、コメントを
  Write comments on any two of your classmates' second posts: 
   「わたしの好きなもの」.  (15 minutes)
  • Update your comment sheet and keep a record of where you have made comments. (On the comment sheet, please make sure to include the URLs of the blogs where you have posted comments.) 

  Read and respond to comments on your blog. (20 minutes)
  • Read comments others posted on your blog, and also check if others responded to your comments on their blogs.
  • Respond to all questions and comments.

  Write on your own blog. (15 minutes)
  • Write on your blog in Japanese.
  • You may choose any topic. If you can't think of any topics, write about what you did during last weekend and how it was.



きょうの アクティビティーはみっつ(A, B, C)あります。

A. ブログリンクとコメントシート

1.  ブログアクティビティーのもくてき(purpose)を読んでください。(5分)
  • Click HERE to read about the blog activities.

2. Send to your instructor the URL of your blog you created last semester. Instructors' email addresses are listed below*.(5分)

If you are a new student, please continue to read below and create a blog account.
  • To create your blog account, click HERE for the instructions. Send the URL to your instructor, and then make a first post (e.g., self-introduction in Japanese). If you need help, ask your classmates who already created a blog account, or ask your instructor.

3. あたらしいコメントシートをつくって、先生とシェアしてください。(5分)

• Click HERE to create a NEW comment sheet for this semester to keep a record of your comments so that you can share it with your instructor from this semester.

• Keep a record on your comment sheet so you know where you have commented. (On the comment sheet, please make sure to put the URLs of others' blogs where you have commented.)

    • たつみ 先生:naofumi.tatsumi@gmail.com
    •  パク先生:parkjisuk3@gmail.com
    • まつい 先生:kyoko.loetscher@gmail.com
    • おかもと 先生:mukuokamoto@gmail.com
    •  ソーリアル先生 : naokosourial@gmail.com


B.Write comments on blogs from other university. (15 minutes)

たつみ先生のクラス(10:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton University. Choose any of the two blogs from #1 to #15.

パク先生のクラス(11:40 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton University. Choose any of the two blogs marked from #16 to #30.

まつい先生のクラス(1:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton University and Notre Dame University. Choose any of the two blogs marked from #31 to #45.

おかもと先生のクラス(2:40 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Notre Dame University.  Choose any of the two blogs from #46 to #60.

ソーリアル先生のクラス(4:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Notre Dame University. Choose any of the two blogs from #61 to #74.

  • これはあしたのしゅくだいです。(You have to complete this activity as an assignment due tomorrow if you don't finish.)

C. あたらしいブログ(15分)
  • ふゆ休みに何をしましたか?どうでしたか?ふゆ休みについて(about)かきましょう。(or any other topics!)
  • これはあしたのしゅくだいです。((You have to complete this activity as an assignment due tomorrow if you don't finish.)




Please do the following activities before and after you take the oral exam.

1. Complete the course evaluation.
   Click HERE to go to CourseWorks.

2. Read two of your classmates' essays you find most interesting, and write comments on them.

3. Reply to all comments you have received (if not done yet).




Please do the following activities before and after you take the oral exam.
(If you do not finish all of the activities in class, the remaining activities must be completed for homework due next Monday.

1. Write comments on blogs from other universities. (15 minutes)

たつみせんせいのクラス(10:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton University. On the bottom of the screen, under クラスメート, choose any of the two blogs marked with A, B, and C.

パクせんせいのクラス(11:40 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton University. On the bottom of the screen, under クラスメート, choose any of the two blogs marked with D, E, and F.

まついせんせいのクラス(1:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from Princeton University. On the bottom of the screen, under クラスメート, choose any of the two blogs marked with  G and H. 

おかもとせんせいのクラス(2:40 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from the University of Notre Dame. Choose any of the two blogs from Section 1: MWF 9:25 listed on the right side of the screen.

ナズキアンせんせいのクラス(4:10 ~)
Please click HERE and write comments on students' blogs from the University of Notre Dame. Choose any of the two blogs from Section 2: MWF 2:00 listed on the right side of the screen.

2. Read and respond to comments on your blog. (20 minutes)
  • Read comments others posted on your blog, and also check if others responded to your comments on their blogs.
  • Respond to all questions and comments.
  • Update your comment sheet and keep a record of where you have made comments. (On the comment sheet, please make sure to include the URLs of the blogs where you have posted comments.)

3. Write on your own blog. (15 minutes)
  • Write on your blog in Japanese.
  • You may choose any topic. If you can't think of any topics, write about what you did during last weekend and how it was.


How to Create Your Blog Account

How to Create Your Blog Account

1. Go to http://www.blogger.com and create your blog.

·       Do you have a Google account? If so, go ahead and log in. If not, create an account first.

·       Please log in to your personal Gmail account (NOT LionMail). If you have logged in through LionMail, you will need to sign out of it. Your LionMail account is completely separate from your personal Gmail account. 

·       Try to come up with a unique blog title. Avoid ordinary titles such as "My Japanese Blog."

·       In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Settings," then "Comments," and choose either "Registered Users" or "Users with Google Accounts" under the "Who can comment?" section.

2. Send your blog address (URL) to your instructor.

·       Once you have created your blog, click on "View blog" located on the top left-hand corner, and send your blog’s URL address (e.g. example.blogspot.com) to your instructor’s gmail address:

    • たつみ せんせい:naofumi.tatsumi@gmail.com
    •  パクせんせい:parkjisuk3@gmail.com
    • まつい せんせい:kyoko.loetscher@gmail.com
    • おかもと せんせい:mukuokamoto@gmail.com
    • ソーリアルせんせい:  naokosourial@gmail.com

·       Should you have any trouble creating your blog or finding your blog address, please notify your instructor.